Iranian Studies Book Launch: Intimacies of Global Sufism

The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies and the Canadian Society for Iranian and Persian Studies jointly present: Intimacies of Global Sufism: Ne'matullahi Shrines and Material Culture between Iran and India by Dr. Peyvand Firouzeh (University of Sydney) Wednesday, September 18, 2024 1 pm Eastern Time (Canada & US) Location for In-Person Attendance: Rm […]

Iranian Studies Book Launch: A History of Alcohol in the Islamic World

The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies and the Canadian Society for Iranian and Persian Studies jointly present: Angels Tapping at the Wine-Shop's Door: A History of Alcohol in the Islamic World by Prof. Rudolph Matthee (University of Delaware) Friday, September 20, 2024 1 pm Eastern Time (Canada & US) Location for In-Person Attendance: […]

Iranian Studies Book Launch: Women, Art, Freedom

The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies and the Canadian Society for Iranian and Persian Studies jointly present: Women, Art, Freedom: Artists and Street Politics in Iran by Prof. Pamela Karimi (Cornell University) Friday, September 27, 2024 1 pm Eastern Time (Canada & US) Zoom Registration Link: After registering, you will receive a […]

Literature in Persian Language Pedagogy: Persian Satire and Humor

The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studiesin collaboration with theDepartment of Middle Eastern Studies and theCenter for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Chicago jointly present: Persian Satire and Humor in Teaching Persian as a Foreign Language: A Case Study Negar Davari Ardakani, Associate Professor, Shahid Beheshti University Saturday, 5 October 2024, 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (Canada […]

Rethinking History: From the Gavbara to Khurshid

The Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies, University of Toronto, and the Invisible East Programme, the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford jointly present From the Gavbara to Khurshid: The Pahlavi Archive of Tabarestan and the First Century of Islam in Iran Khodadad Rezakhani, Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Leiden University […]