
Bahar Hashemi

Hashemi, Bahar

The Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

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Bahar Hashemi received her PhD in sociology in 2023 from the University of Toronto. She joined the department of sociology at UTSC as an Assistant Professor Teaching Stream (CLTA) in 2023. Her research and teaching specialize in the areas of Introduction to Sociology; Sociology of (Im)migration; Transnationalism; Families; Gender and Feminist Theory; Labour; Citizenship; and Qualitative Methods. Her dissertation titled “Patriarchal bargains: gendered work of women in Transnational families: the case of Precarious non-citizen Iranian women in Toronto” looks at the gendered negotiations of Iranian women throughout the life course and in the context of precarious legal status and transnational migration. Her current research focuses on the sense of community in a large introductory course (Introduction to Sociology) and it’s impact on students’ academic success.