Research Team


Molaie, Sara

The Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

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Sara Molaie is a Work Study Student who contributes to the Women Poet project. She is a first-year PhD student at the Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations department. She received her MA from the University of Washington and wrote her thesis on the revival of the Hebrew and Persian languages in the 19th century. Her current research focuses on the notion of revival in the poems of 19th and 20th-century Iranian women poets. Speak more on what you do at the institute.


“I am a second-year PhD student at the University of Toronto Near and Middle Eastern Department and a research assistant at the Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies since 2022. I have been involved in the Women Poets Project and as a team member, I have worked on distinctive archival research projects. I have also had the opportunity to volunteer to organize events like the Nowruz Celebration on March 30th, 2024, or to participate as a presenter at different symposiums like the symposium dedicated to Shirin Ibadi on September 23, 2023.

It has been a privilege to work for the Institute. Notably, I am most proud of meeting with influential activists and intellectual figures and learning from them, developing my research skills by using different software systems, my knowledge of oral history and bibliographies, and acquiring a variety of sources on Iranian women poets.

Overall, the Institute is an influential place of academic learning and connecting with a diverse intellectual community. It provides a rich experience of exploring the humanities field and the world of humanity together.”