

Sheibani, Khatereh

York University

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Khatereh Sheibani is a scholar, author, and curator of Iranian cinema and Persian literature and culture. She has designed and taught multiple courses in Persian studies (language, literature, and culture) at York University. Khatereh completed her doctoral degree in Comparative Literature and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada in 2007. Her book, titled The Poetics of Iranian Cinema: Aesthetics, Modernity, and Film after the Revolution was published in November 2011 by I.B.Tauris, UK . She has co-edited (with Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi) a special issue of Iran Namag on Abbas Kiarostami (2018). Khatereh has written multiple articles on modern Persian literature, Iranian cinema and Middle Eastern cinemas in literary and film anthologies, books, and journals such as Iranian Studies and the Canadian Journal of Film Studies. She is collaborating with Iran Namag for a special issue on radio to be published in 2022. She has written two novels (in Persian) so far. Her debut novel, titled “Hotel Iran,” will be published from Tehran in 2022. Her second novel, “Blue Bird Café,” is going to be published in Canada and the United States in 2022. Khatereh was consulted and interviewed on issues related to Iranian cinema by broadcasting services and journals such as CBCPublic Radio International, and the New York Times.