Vahid Tolooei is currently an independent scholar and a freelancer, working as an independent sociologist and English to Persian translator, Persian copyeditor and writer. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Iranian Studies at the University of Toronto, and he served as an Editorial Assistant at IranNameh, now serving in that same role at Iran Namag: A Persian Quarterly of Iranian Studies. He holds a PhD in Cultural Sociology from the University of Tehran (2011), where he wrote a dissertation on the history of sociology in Iran. Before moving to Toronto, he was a lecturer and researcher at the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), an Iranian public non-governmental institution, and at the University of Science and Culture in Tehran. From 2003 on, he was also one of the editors of the Daneshgostar Encyclopedia. Vahid Tolooei is the author of several articles on the sociology of literature, the sociology of science, social science methodologies, and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution. In addition to the Persian translation of Tim Delaney’s Classical Social Theory, he is the author of the Introduction to Narratology and Narrative Analysis (Ashenaei ba revayat-shenasi va tahlil-e revayat, 2011), a textbook on Jarir Tabari (pub. 2010), An Introduction to the Methodology of Cultural Studies (Daramadi bar ravesh-shenasi-ye motalea’t farhangi, 2014), and a collection of poetry, Bad Dying (Bad mordan, 1993).