Erik Anonby & Jaffer Sheyholislami: Mapping Iranian Languages, using Kurdish as a Case Study

/ University of Toronto Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Institute of Iranian Studies


Erik Anonby, Jaffer Sheyholislami


May 20, 2022

The 75th episode of Parse is an excerpt from a talk given by Dr. Erik Anonby and Dr. Jaffer Sheyholislami on Mapping Iranian Languages, using Kurdish as the case study.  
Erik Anonby is Professor of Linguistics and French at Carleton University. His research focuses on the documentation and mapping of Iran’s languages. Currently, he works with an international research team as editor of the Atlas of the Languages of Iran (ALI). Jaffer Sheyholislami is Professor in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies at Carleton University as well. A world-renowned expert in the sociolinguistics of Iranian languages, with a focus on Kurdish, he has served as special issue guest editor for the International Journal of the Sociology of Language and is the lead editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Kurdish Linguistics. 
To watch the full talk, click here: ⁠⁠