Women, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future – Panel IV: Democratic Ethos and Democratic Responsibilities posted on February 2, 2023 …Continue Reading about Women, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future – Panel IV: Democratic Ethos and Democratic Responsibilities →
Women, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future – Panel III: The Elements of a Democratic Transition posted on February 1, 2023 …Continue Reading about Women, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future – Panel III: The Elements of a Democratic Transition →
Women, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future – Panel II: A Charter of Rights for a Democratic and Pluralistic Iran posted on February 1, 2023 …Continue Reading about Women, Life, Liberty: Iran’s Democratic Future – Panel II: A Charter of Rights for a Democratic and Pluralistic Iran →
Fiction and the Formation of Romantic Love: The Afterlife of Nizami Ganjavi’s Khusru u Shirin in Hindustan posted on January 31, 2023 https://youtu.be/aXTDq11_y_w …Continue Reading about Fiction and the Formation of Romantic Love: The Afterlife of Nizami Ganjavi’s Khusru u Shirin in Hindustan →
Hauntologies of the Present: Notes on Politics of Friendship in Férydoun Rahnéma’s Modernism posted on January 26, 2023 …Continue Reading about Hauntologies of the Present: Notes on Politics of Friendship in Férydoun Rahnéma’s Modernism →
Alternative Iran: Contemporary Art and Critical Spatial Practice posted on January 26, 2023 …Continue Reading about Alternative Iran: Contemporary Art and Critical Spatial Practice →